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Coaches volunteer form
Some helpful downloads and links can be found below this form. Please read them all before submitting.
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Please read and then confirm you accept the below





Deanshanger Colts Football Club is justifiably proud of the long history that the game had played in this community. The past 30 years have witnessed significant achievements and created lifelong memories for hundreds of young people. To ensure that Deanshanger Colts plays a significant part of our future for the next generation we need to be smarter about the way we preserve the traditions and values of our Club.


The Role

Each age group is a club supported but individually managed by the lead coach or team manager. The management and control of the age group is a team effort between coaches with the support and guidance from the Club Committee. The Clubs Constitution guides the running and management of the club and teams, with specific policies and guides that assist in the control of activities.

This role will undertake “regulated activity” and will therefore require an enhanced disclosure with barring check to be repeated at no less than three yearly intervals.


Primary Purpose

The primary purpose of the Coach is to assist in the development of young people as

Individuals and active citizens by providing safe and rewarding training, direction, and guidance.


Secondary Purposes

The secondary purposes of a coaches are:


  • Maintain the Deanshanger Colts Values & Club Ethos of Football for All

  • To plan a varied training programme developing players across the age group.

  • Safely and securely maintain the teams’ resources and equipment.



A coach is directly accountable to:

  • The Club Committee for their compliance with the regulations, policies, and procedures.

  • Head of Football Development for the age-appropriate training that takes place at sessions.



The Coach is authorised to:

  • In conjunction with the Club Secretary liaise with the league regarding all matters in relation to their age group.

  • Opposition coaches/managers to arrange games.



  • All Coaches will maintain a minimum of the FA Playmaker qualification

  • Maintain Coaching Qualification through CPD.

  • FA Safeguarding for all Course.


Principal Tasks

  • Allow all players, no matter their level of ability, the opportunity to play

  • Respect the rights, dignity & worth of every player and treat everyone equally within the context of football.

  • Always pursue fair play

  • Prohibit use of camcorders and cameras unless parental consent has been provided

  • Place safety and well-being of the player above the development of performance

  • Be aware of the FA’s and the Club’s Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Procedures

  • Ensure that coaching sessions are enjoyable, well-structured and focus on developing skills, decision making and a general understanding of the game

  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with players based on mutual trust and respect

  • Encourage players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance

  • Ensure that sessions and games are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience, and ability of the individual

  • Must consistently display high standards of appearance and behaviour

  • Know where to find appropriate first aid



Getting the most out of your volunteering

It is important that we provide guidance and support to make the most of your time as a volunteer. Below is what you can expect from us to enable you to give us your very best.


You can expect us to:

  • Support you to understand your role, how to do it and the difference you make to the Deanshanger Colts FC

  • Understand the skills and experience you have, as well as your aspirations for volunteering

  • Provide you with an induction, ongoing support, and training to undertake your volunteer role

  • Provide regular updates about any developments in the Club that are relevant to you

  • Value your contributions and providing you with potential opportunities to progress



By registering as a coach with Deanshanger Colts FC I agree to abide by these principles. I support the Club in its undertakings and encourage the Club to take any necessary disciplinary actions, where warranted, of any coaches, players, parents and or spectators for repeated or serious breaches of these Codes of Conduct.

Downloads and links

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